Source code for flask_htmx.htmx

from typing import Optional

from flask import Flask, request

[docs]class HTMX: """ Flask-HTMX is a Flask extension which provides an easy API to work with HTMX from within a Flask request context. Inspired by the Django extension Django-HTMX. See also: - - """ def __init__(self, app: Flask = None): = app if app is not None: self.init_app(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app: Flask): """Initialise the extension with the Flask app object.""" app.htmx = self
@property def boosted(self) -> bool: """:py:obj:`True` if the request came from an element with the `hx-boost` attribute. Based on the :code:`HX-Boosted` header. """ return request.headers.get("HX-Boosted") == "true" @property def current_url(self) -> Optional[str]: """The current URL of the browser, or :py:obj:`None` for non-HTMX requests. Based on the :code:`HX-Current-URL` header. """ return request.headers.get("HX-Current-URL") @property def history_restore_request(self) -> bool: """:py:obj:`True` if the request is for history restoration after a miss in the local history cache. Based on the :code:`HX-History-Restore-Request` header. """ return request.headers.get("HX-History-Restore-Request") == "true" @property def prompt(self) -> Optional[str]: """The user response to :code:`hx-prompt` if it was used, or :py:obj:`None`.""" return request.headers.get("HX-Prompt") def __bool__(self) -> bool: """:py:obj:`True` if the request was made with HTMX, otherwise :py:obj:`False`. This is based on the presence of the :code:`HX-Request` header. """ return request.headers.get("HX-Request") == "true" @property def target(self) -> Optional[str]: """The ID of the target element if it exists, or :py:obj:`None`. Based on the :code:`HX-Target header`. """ return request.headers.get("HX-Target") @property def trigger_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """The name of the triggered element if it exists, or :py:obj:`None`. Based on the :code:`HX-Trigger-Name` header. """ return request.headers.get("HX-Trigger-Name") @property def trigger(self) -> Optional[str]: """The ID of the triggered element if it exists, or :py:obj:`None`. Based on the :code:`HX-Trigger` header. """ return request.headers.get("HX-Trigger")